Wednesday, August 5, 2009

My appropriation image

I'm usually highly critical of my own work however on the subject of 'What work is bad?' this one certainly takes the cake. I wonder if that statement will lower my score on this particular work? No? Probably not.
The objective of this work was to group together things in our life that we found beautiful. I find appropriation difficult of course. My image doesn't match the original as well as I might have hoped. I.e The 8 ball. There's only 1 while there are like 4 different peaches.
I am not fond of my colour scheme either. I'd have prefered to have chosen something with richer colours to paint, however everything I own or find fascinating is usually... dark, dull, bland. ECT.
My image holds four specific items. A bottle of Wine, A 'magic' 8 ball, Pencils and rubbers. My first appropriation started out with a gloomy bear, chains, badges and Cd's but it didn't exactly look 'right' to me. And while I find those things fun and entertaining, not all I would fit into the category of beautiful and one viewing my image might find me to be 'disturbed' (laughs). And it was dull considering it was another reflection of mainstream teenage stuff.
I wont elaborate too much on what my image represents through these very basic items which your probably thinking now are not very beautiful. However each has a subtle meaning to my own interpretation of beauty (the pencil and rubbers probably being the most obvious)
Beauty in art is art. I think art is beautiful regardless of whether its aspiring to be grotesque. I think art is simply expression and can easily communicate particular feelings and emotions. And that is beautiful. So simply put my pencils and rubbers represent ART.
As for the magic 8 ball and the wine bottle. Those i guess would be harder to understand. The magic eightball is a representation of my love for blatantly useless things. Created with no real significance, no real purpose and no other objective than entertainment(which can sort of apply to the artworks make with no meaning or reasoning haha).
Lastly the wine bottle. It represents transition in my art. It's obvious that my style is based solely on manga and anime however recently I thought I'd broaden my pallet and began drawing in different styles, one of which is to at very least learn sketching (thus the wine bottle, a pretty common thing to sketch. And 1 I have drawn about 40 times...grr).
I suppose in a following post I'll elaborate on how this relates to the original. For now a posting of my incredibly bad photography skills, which I took with my incredibly complicated camera that hates me.

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