Thursday, August 6, 2009


Before beginning the process of sketching onto my canvas, I did a small quick sketch of my still life.
To be blunt I'm posting this for the sake of posting since there hasn't been a considerable amount of work accomplished in my sketch on canvas.
I suppose to sufficiently record my process I'll have to continuously post images of my work. I wonder how well that will go due to my forgetfulness.
And I've been a little less motivated with my blog because I cant exactly pick up a pencil and draw some of my pointless chibis all over the web page. Which will probably prompt me to post some here. Actually. Yup. I'll post some here.
Sadly I discarded the files with other pictures or other still life's i made to possibly use. I wish I hadn't... But those basically revolved around the central theme and included stuff like pacers, paint brushes, paints and even my graphics tablet's pen and mouse.
In my previous post I recall mentioning that I'd explain how it relates to the original. I did some research on Chardin that I should have posted before all this and I don't see myself posting until I finish the work on the other artists I am supposed to research. Oh well.
My work relates to the original in a few ways (as was previously mentioned).
Alike Chardin's the pieces in the image are not unsual or particularly outstanding. are simple items found around my room alike Chardin's probably found in his home (opps speculating). The items of Chardin's work belong to a domestic scene and are extremely common for the time.
Other research I've conducted shows there might be symbolism which loosely relates to family and fertility (all items share this symbolism). This is considered (at the time) as a beautiful concept and was seen quite often in art from the time.
My own, whilst quite different in symbolism, represents artistic practice (yes the 8 ball too! It's now essential in my endeavor to learn to sketch). This is considered beautiful personally.
We were required to do mind maps on 'what is beauty' and 'what is style'. Here are mine for posting sake =3

Just so its known what I meant when I talked about the 8 ball becoming a central theme in my artistic practice. I basically am using it to learn sketching. This is an attempted sketch I tried doing before I started going to classes (against my will! dang mother *shakes fist*) to learn. So this is like me trying to sketch something in god knows what kind of way. It is actually round but the photo came out crappy because I was using someone elses camera and didnt know how to make it work right so it can out all weirdly shaped.
It took me a while to dig this one up. Its really crappy and you can probably see I was trying to do a shadow but after i failed the first time I sort of just ditched it and went back to drawing my 'anime' styled works. rawr.

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