Saturday, September 19, 2009

A Grim Weekend

I wont post a picture of the progress because after i took the picture I realised I couldn't spot the difference. You can't really tell so its suffice to say that there was little progress last lesson. Due to the unfortunate and irresponsible (on my part) loss of ALL my paint brushes and my pallet. Someone threw it out D= or something. And I had the green colour on there that I needed D=
I'm allowed to take it home for the weekend. Hopefully it dries quick and I won't be hindered bringing it back to school on monday. Hahaha knowing how things are progressing recently I seriously doubt that it'll be easy for me. Well that and I doubt I'll get much of my assessments done.
Other than my cheery disposition, I'm happy that trials are over. I have time to work on English, religion and art.
The art assessment is progressing slowly, as I've imagined. I am of course referring to the theory task. I think, another week (and a weekend *prays to gods of manga* hopefully)of my prac and I'll be finished. Not satisfied. But finished.
I think I'm annoying people with my negativeness... My saturday classes have resulted in NO painting on saturday. I had to go city to buy paint and paint brushes as well. I murdered my paint brush case because some guy knocked me over on the train and it broke. I should've tripped him...Nah...But if that happens again...MENTAL NOTE...

Paint will be wet on Monday actually... So I'll go school REALLY early to avoid bumping into a crowd of people and smearing paint all over them and ruining my work.
Scanner still broken...I've given up on fixing it *typing this with ink stained hands*'

On an unrelated note
I read FRANKENSTEIN on the train around the city. It's good so far. I want to quote a bunch of things to people but I dunno if anyone's read it so they won't respond the way I want them to...
The book inspired some thought. I wonder how most people'd draw Frankenstein's monster...very large stature, stitching, protruding brow and bolts crammed into the poor creatures neck...I can't help but imagine a very cute monster... Even though its described to be a hideous abomination...Poor monster =[
Now I want to draw the monster but I think my image would be offensive to the book *thinking about cute monster with stitching and bolts*
Instead I prefer dreaming up images of Frankinsteins monster in the style of Gris Grimly.

Isn't it brilliant =D!? I'mma go look for his picture books! They are cute yet dark, creepy yet humorous. I like this bloke =D The image has nothing to do with frankensteins monster just fyi

Last note
I'm choking down smokey there a bush fire about? Le gasp!

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe you are blogging at 5am - wow!!
    Yes, Grimly's work is great :)
