Sunday, September 6, 2009

Quick Post.

I painted the background. Couldn't get the colours right. Which I predicted.
My paintbrushes have gone missing. First I lost 2 of the 5 in the boxes and there were none at the bottom of the box.. I should've maybe put them in a pack that was better sealed than the open packet... I lost another in the last lesson. I've stupidly lost them... I've got to be more responsible... *sigh*
Well anyway...
The background colour seems darker and not quite as nice as before. While even and painted okay, they aren't as nice a shade. Which is a shame.
Fortunately I was able to paint around the objects I have done. Which I realise now it might have been in my best interest to paint the background and base bit first. It doesnt matter since I managed to paint around.

On a lighter note...
Went to animania this weekend with Angela and Jessica and it was really fun.
And my sister made me help her to put up her artwork at lunch for twilight evening. Cept i stood there with a hammer when she searched for a ruler and she didnt actually put anything...waste of a lunch time but it doesnt matter I wanted to get a look at the year 12 art works. They are lovely.

1 comment:

  1. I know how you feel about deadlines. It may seem that these schedules are only like this for you, but they are the same in every school I have worked at. Assessment is just the unnatural part of teaching and learning - I hope that you won't get a freight receving the art task notice tomorrow..... I have tried to prepare everyone's assessment work gradually, so that the blogs for example count towards the VAPD marks - due at the end of this term, the paintings are paintings - marked when humanly possible to be finished and the c&h task has been developing for a while (your research for the painting + mindmaps etc). What needs to happen now in art is collating all of the c&h information into a document...and you can choose to write an essay or present a podcast or a movie file...answering a question of your choice...

    I saw your sister's work today in it's complete state - it looks fabulous - that must be something to look forward to..
